Parenting Articles

Driving Contracts

What are Teen Driving Contracts?

These are agreements used by parents of teen drivers that clearly define rules and consequences. The rules can range from a curfew time, drug/alcohol use while driving, and/or driving behaviors/habits.

Why do Teen Drivers Need Contracts?

Teenagers sometimes make very poor choices without thinking about the consequences. In the case of making a poor choice while driving can result in bodily injury, property damage, and obviously – death. Teen Driving Contracts define these consequences and brings them to the front of the teen’s mind.

Benefits of a driving contract:
1. Better driving habits
2. Reduced risk of accident
3. Less argument when enforcing consequences

Creating a Driving Contract

There are many different methods for making driving contracts. It will take a few hours of well thought out ideas. You will need to make a list of the rules to be made and then a list of consequences if a rule is broken. Always be sure to make rules that you are willing to enforce. If you say you will take the keys away – be prepared to act. If you don’t enforce the agreement – the teen will be less likely to live up to it. After writing out the teen driving contract and discussing them with your teen you should both sign them. Make a copy for your teen so they can have to review later or you can even make a short list of the rules and post them in the car.

Buying a Teen Driving Contract

If you don’t have the time or ideas it takes to create a driving contract there are many services and products available on the internet for under $20. We recommend – they offer many behavior contracts with a teen driver contract bundled in the package. The contract may be used together or separately from the other agreements.

In our opinion, all teen drivers should be required to sign a driving contract. Rules and consequences must be discussed before the teenager ever starts to drive.