Boot Camps

Boot Camps

What are Teen Boot Camps?

There are several kinds of boot camps out there. There are boot camps for learning, for example, the Disney Boot Camp or the Astronaut Boot Camp. There are adult boot camps for losing weight. We are going to discuss the troubled teen boot camps. These juvenile boot camps usually have a military type structure with a lot of screaming from big men with of marching and exercising. This appeals to a lot of parents with troubled teens because they have done a lot of screaming at their teen and it doesn’t seem to work, so they think that someone bigger and meaner looking will force their teen to straighten up.

Who are appropriate teens for Boot Camps?

Boot Camps for teens are short term, typically 30 days. Teens who are looking to get a good exercise program going during the summer may benefit from a boot camp. Teens who do not have any emotional or behavioral problems, but are just sluffing off a little in school and just need a little wake up call, may benefit from a juvenile boot camp.

Who are not appropriate teens for Juvenile Boot Camps?

Since the juvenile boot camps are usually a hostile environment, a teen who is hostile will only learn that that the louder you scream, the more action you will get. Boot Camps are not designed to deal with the emotional side of teens and their behavior problems.

Why are Boot Camps not appropriate for Behavior Modification?

Teen Boot Camps are short term and do not provide treatment. Because they are short term and because of the environment, you may not even be able to contract with outside private services to work with your teen with emotional and behavioral problems. Thirty days is not long enough to make lasting changes. Boot Camps do not have long-term follow up nor support that is needed for troubled teens and parents.

How much do Teen Boot Camps cost?

Boot Camps for teens tend to charge more then a typical Behavior Modification School because they are only 30 days so they feel that parents are willing to pay more for one month then they are for several months over a year. Boot Camps cost between $5,000 and $10,000 for the 30 day stay.